The Fierce Urgency of Knowledge
October 18th, 2021
Future Forward’s external evaluator with the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Dr. Curtis Jones and Executive Director Kate Bauer-Jones in September presented to the Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness (SREE), which is “dedicated to advancing research relevant to practice, from early childhood through post-secondary education. The Society strives to generate knowledge and facilitate applications in new contexts and across fields.”
SREE’s 2021 annual conference to continue advancements in education research was themed: “The Fierce Urgency of Knowledge: Education Evidence for Reimagining and Reckoning.”
In the session “Effectiveness of Early Literacy Interventions,” moderated by Dr. Greg Duncan with the University of California-Irvine, they presented two recent studies:
- “What is the Sustained Impact of Future Forward on Reading Achievement, Attendance, and Special Education Placement Five Years after Participation?” (Curtis Jones, Marlo Reeves, Dongmei Li, PhD, Leon Gilman, Kate Bauer-Jones; University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and Education Analytics).
- “Testing the Impact and Scalability of the Future Forward Literacy Program” (Curtis Jones, Kate Bauer-Jones, Dongmei Li, PhD; University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and Education Analytics).