Published research & key findings on effectiveness of the Future Forward tutoring program
Socially Responsible Evaluation in Education (SREEd)
University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee:
Key Finding
Effect Size = +0.130 (significantly higher attendance for Future Forward [FF] students)
Effect Size = +0.190 (sustained impact on reading achievement for FF students)
30% reduction in placement in special education services
Effect Size = + 0.164 (FF had positive impact on reading achievement)
Future Forward had roughly three times the impact on Black students and five times the impact on Black male students.
Effect Size = + 0.31 (FF had positive impact on winter reading achievement in Alabama)
FF also positively impacted student attitudes towards reading.
School Community Journal
SPARK (Future Forward) Early Literacy:
Key Finding
Effect Size = + 0.510 (FF had positive impact on reading achievement)
Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk
Results of Randomized Control Trial Evaluation of SPARK (Future Forward) Literacy Program:
Key Finding
Effect Size = + 0.230 (FF had positive impact on reading achievement)
most of the impact realized during the first year of participation
This foundational study meets the Institute for Education Sciences What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) evidence standards Without Reservations and allowed Future Forward to be classified by the Center for Research and Reform in Education (CRRE) at Johns Hopkins University as one of a small number of literacy interventions that both work and meet the “strong evidence definitions” laid out in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).